Alexa Stimp and Margaret Chin Explain the Keys to Fit Biz Success on ‘FFF’

The sport of bodybuilding takes place on the various stages around the world, but there is a lot more to the fitness industry than the competitions. Making it in the fitness world means executing regularly in the business field as well.

This week’s episode of Femme Flex Friday featured two guests that have been very successful in the sport without competing onstage. Alexa Stimp is the owner of The Shoe Fairy, and Margaret Chin is the owner of Toxic Angelz Bikinis. Both of these ladies have competed in Bikini division contests in the past, and they now play vital roles in helping athletes prepare for contests by providing the heels and outfits respectively.

Stimp was working a full-time job when she decided to start pursuing her passion for fitness. Even though she was competing, she wanted to do something that helped her stand out. She found that “something” while scrolling on social media.

“One day I’m sitting at my desk, and I’m scrolling, seeing everyone posting their stage shots, and they tag bikini, hair, tan, makeup, jewelry, and that’s when it clicked. At the time in 2015, there’s no one known for shoes on social media. I got mine off of Amazon or the Exotic website. That’s when it came to me that our customers are on Instagram, on social media, and there was no one dominating that space for shoes.”

Chin was actually waiting to get into dental hygiene school when she started making bikinis. As a self-taught designer, she learned how to make the best fits and shapes for athletes. Even after she eventually got into the school, she never stopped making the bikinis.

“I went to school for a month, I decided I could go to school, get my degree, and then focus on my business. I had to make a decision about going to school or pursue my dreams,” she told co-hosts Lenda Murray and Whitney Jones. “I went to pursue my dreams I gave up school, even though it was the safe route, but I took that risk, and I love it.”

Jones actually chimed in, and she discussed why the jobs that Stimp and Chin do are so important.

“You’re making an impact on how they place because truth be told, at the pro level, those details matter,” she stated. “If the shoes are clunky and they don’t fit, sometimes the way they are worn can make your legs look stocky. They can change the shape of your quads if you have too much of a lift on the heel.”

Learn a lot more about what Stimp and Chin do that makes such a profound difference for competitors as well as what important decisions they had to make to succeed as entrepreneurs. Catch this week’s episode of Femme Flex Friday in its entirety over at


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