Jeff Halevy Explains The World’s First AI Personal Trainer, Altis

Jeff Halevy has paved an incredible path for himself after serving the health and fitness world for more than 15 years. On top of his work as a health and wellness correspondent on NBC’s Today Show, he starred in his own internationally syndicated TV show Workout from Within with Jeff Halevy as well as contributed to features in a variety of print and online publications.

The respected fitness expert, entrepreneur, and thought leader — who’s also overcome a pear-sized brain tumor — has now created a futuristic software platform — Altis — that will not only change the future of fitness but help others become the best they can be. Halevy was inspired nearly 10 years ago when he was tapped by Michelle Obama to create a technology-based program for her childhood-obesity initiative, “Let’s Move.”

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is demonstrated by machines, as opposed to the natural aptitude displayed by humans or animals. When describing Altis, Halevy describes it as using cameras to see the human body and everything around it. “Think of it as a GPS for the human body,” he says.

The AI technology, through Altis’ camera, can see all of the joints in the human body providing 3D imaging all from one single viewpoint; displaying live imaging of your entire body from the inside out.

With this capability, Altis is able to help correct your form while choosing the best exercises and weights for your body, adjust your workouts in real-time based on your fatigue level, as well as detect and prevent injuries. And with this technology, no wearables are needed.

At just 40 inches in length, Altis looks more like a soundbar, plugs into any device screen, like an Apple TV, and is up and running within minutes. Right in the comfort of your own home, you’ll have your very own personal trainer (who never runs late) and who understands your body and how it should be conducting movement.

“This is made possible by an unparalleled computer vision neural network and an exercise science machine learning model, trained by the world’s top doctors of physical therapy and strength and conditioning coaches,” Halevy explains.

Even with a promising approach to fitness, he does expect some pushback when Altis hits the markets in 2022. “Like any disruptive technology, we will have lovers and haters,” Halevy says. “In fact, the concern I receive most when sharing Altis is that it may put trainers out of a job… Altis will put some trainers out of jobs — the bad ones, who probably shouldn’t be training anyone to begin with,” he says.


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