Want to Increase Your Squat Strength? Try These 3 TRX Moves

In 1997, Randy Hetrick created his first version of the TRX out of a Jiu-Jitsu belt and parachute webbing. Even when bullets were whizzing past his ears, he wanted to stay in tip-top shape. Now TRX training is a worldwide phenomenon that’s common in gyms and homes everywhere and not just the battlefield. The benefits of performing TRX exercises range from the stay-at-home mum to even the competitive powerlifter.

The biggest knock on the TRX is after a certain point it will not get your any stronger because you’re only using bodyweight, gravity, and leverage.

But the TRX’s biggest advantage is it can improve hip mobility, core stability, upper back strength, and mobility which are all handy for crushing your back squat. Here we will go into what’s needed for a barbell squat and three TRX exercises for a stronger squat.

What’s Needed For Good Squat Technique

This is a separate article in itself, but when it comes to the barbell squat, there are three non-negotiables. They are

  1. Your spine staying in neutral throughout the entire movement. Core stability and hip mobility are paramount here.
  2. Your feet stay planted on the ground. Having good ankle mobility helps.
  3. The barbell stays in a vertical line over your midfoot. Shoulder and upper back strength and mobility help make this happen.

The TRX helps with one and three. Using the below TRX exercises will strengthen your weakness, strengthen your strengths for better back squat technique, injury reduction, and for crushing PRs. Let’s dive in.


Note: One of the advantages of the TRX is you can increase or decrease the intensity by adjusting the foot position closer or farther away from the anchor point. Carefully judge your own intensity.


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