Caffeine & You: A Match That Needs To Be Unmatched

Contributed by: Priyaish Srivastava


Your cup of coffee is more than just a tasty beverage. It can jolt you to wake you up and even help you win against afternoon tiredness.

It can also provide several health benefits like improving cognition.

However, experts suggest consuming caffeine in moderation, as it can negatively affect your health by giving rise to anxiousness, dizziness, and arrhythmia. 

Therefore, you must know the impact of caffeine on your health and the appropriate amount in which you should take it.

Note: According to research, an average adult can consume up to 400 milligrams of caffeine in a day

Caffeine & your nervous system

  • Increases alertness

Caffeine is one of the most reliable stimulants of the central nervous system. Stimulants help increase the speed at which the messages travel between your brain and body.

Caffeine can help increase alertness and make you feel more confident, awake, and energetic by slowing down the production of adenosine – a chemical found in cells that can make you feel sleepy and blocks electric signals in the heart, causing irregular heartbeats.

  • Sleep cycle changes

Caffeine directly impacts melatonin production. Melatonin is a hormone that the pineal gland secretes at night to help you sleep.

If you consume more than the recommended amount of caffeine, you can find it difficult to fall asleep.

Minimizing the intake or avoiding caffeine can help improve the sleep cycle.

  • Caffeine & anxiousness

According to studies, caffeine triggers anxiety. Those who have underlying conditions such as panic disorder and social anxiety disorder (SAD) are more likely to suffer anxiety attacks due to caffeine consumption.

Anxiety can also happen when a caffeine-addicted person abruptly stops having it. This phenomenon is termed caffeine withdrawal.

Therefore, it is advisable to reduce caffeine consumption gradually.

  • Caffeine pumps dopamine

Dopamine is a hormone that your brain secretes to make you feel happy and cheerful.

Some studies suggest that caffeine consumption in moderation helps boost dopamine levels and can also minimize the risk of depression.

These might be some reasons for caffeine being one of the most consumed beverages and foods across the world.

Caffeine & your heart

  • Have in moderation

Caffeine provides health benefits only when consumed in moderation. Some studies suggest that excessive caffeine consumption can lead to irregular heart rhythms – a condition called arrhythmia.

  • Energy drinks & your heart

Caffeine is the most prominent ingredient used to make energy drinks, mainly because of its properties that help increase alertness. 

However, the caffeine content in energy drinks is high, making them unsafe for you.

They are bad for you as they can give rise to conditions such as headaches, arrhythmias, high blood pressure, and anxiety.

Note: Avoid caffeine consumption if you have any pre-existing heart condition

Caffeine impacts digestion & urination

According to studies, foods and beverages with a bitter taste can create more acid in the stomach. 

Caffeine bears a bitter taste. It relaxes the lower oesophagal sphincter (the tube that passes food and fluid from the throat to the stomach), which causes heartburn.

People who suffer from conditions like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) should avoid consuming caffeine as it can worsen the symptoms. 

Before understanding the impact of caffeine on urination, you first need to know about diuretics. A diuretic is a drug that helps the body excrete sodium and water. 

Caffeine is a diuretic. It increases the urge to urinate frequently.

Note: Ask your doctor to advise you of the right amount of caffeine for you

Final thoughts

Although caffeine can help your health in several ways, you should have it in moderation to avoid a range of health complications. 

Furthermore, opt for preventive health checkups. These health checks provide you with a comprehensive insight into your health, allowing you to take necessary precautions to stay at the top of your health.

Book The Full Body Health Checkup Today!

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