World Blood Donor Day 2022: 6 Amazing Health Benefits of Blood Donation

Contributed by: Anjali Sharma


World Blood Donor Day is commemorated on June 14 every year to raise public awareness about the need for blood donation and to thank donors for their contributions.

Anaemia is caused by a lack of healthy red blood cells in the human body, which can lead to failed pregnancy, heart problems, fatigue, and, in the worst-case situation, death.

World Blood Donor Day was first marked in 2005 by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. World Blood Donor Day is also one of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recognised worldwide public-health initiatives.

Theme: World Blood Donor Day 2022

This year’s theme for World Blood Donor Day is “Donating blood is an act of solidarity. Join the effort and save lives”. It will concentrate on how voluntary blood donations save lives and strengthen community bonds, along with the importance of safe blood transfusion and blood products.  Mexico will host World Blood Donor Day 2022 this year through its National Blood Centre. 

6 health benefits of donating blood

Blood donation not only benefits the recipient but, also benefits the donor. There are endless health benefits associated with regular blood donation which are still not much talked about. Here we have elaborated on some of the excellent benefits of blood donation:

Keeps your liver healthy

When the level of iron increases in the blood then blood donation is suggested. Too much iron in the blood can cause infections, hepatitis C, and other liver diseases.

Blood donation helps in lowering the iron level and balances the vitamins and minerals in the body. Many doctors also suggest donating blood regularly when there is a rise in iron levels. 

Lowers the risks of heart ailments

Many doctors have said that blood donation reduces the risk of heart diseases like strokes, heart attacks and heart failure.

Heart health is also improved by donating blood at least once a year. According to research, heart attack risks are reduced by 88% if a person donates blood yearly. 

These heart risks are also related to the high level of iron in the body as rising iron levels constrict the blood vessels and put the heart in danger of attacks and strokes. 

Reduces the risk of cancer 

Blood donation reduces the risk of cancer as it balances the level of stored iron in the body which can be a risk factor for cancer.

Improves mental health 

Blood donation is an act of kindness and makes you feel good about the fact that you somehow added value to someone’s life.

Donating blood regularly makes you feel positive and proud about yourself.

This is a type of psychological benefit which you get after doing something for another person, especially if you don’t the person. 

A person who regularly donates blood and who is always showing up to the needs of society is the one who is always motivated and satisfied.

These people also encourage others and spread awareness about the importance of blood donation, simply by this one act. 

Blood donation reveals health issues 

Donating blood is a simple way to keep your cardiovascular health balanced and in a good state.

Pulse, blood pressure, body temperature, haemoglobin and more are a few of the criteria on which the health of a person is examined before allowing him/her to donate blood. This mini analysis gives you an idea about the basic condition of your health.

Prevents hemochromatosis

One more health benefit that is associated with blood donation is that it reduces the risk of hemochromatosis. This medical situation arises when the body absorbs more iron than needed.

The excess iron load can be regulated by regular blood donation.

Final thoughts

The main aim of blood donation is to save a life and spread awareness for blood donation while inspiring people to follow suit.

Along with the recipient, blood donation helps the donor as it maintains his/her liver health, balances the iron level, keeps the heart healthy and reduces the risks of cancer and much more.

Here we have elaborated on the excellent health benefits that a person can have with regular blood donations. 

Donating blood is an act of kindness that a person realizes after doing it. Remember, you save a life every time you donate blood.

Also, to donate blood, you need to be in a good state of health. It’s a great idea to opt for frequent health checks to keep an eye on your overall health and stay healthy for future blood donations.

Book The Full Body Health Checkup Today!

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