Tired & Exhausted During Breastfeeding: What Foods Should You Eat to Regain Energy?

Contributed by: Rachana Arya


Breast-feeding is a healthy choice for your infant to supply him with each of the nutrients he needs for growth and development.

But when you are breastfeeding, your body uses up a lot of metabolic energy to create and maintain your milk supply—you need about 500 extra calories each day. 

Many new mothers experience fatigue during breastfeeding. This can take a major toll on your body, and also harm your milk supply. 

There are various strategies to increase your energy if breastfeeding makes you feel drained and lethargic. This will allow you to nurse without getting exhausted.

Most experts agree that a postpartum women’s diet has an impact on their mental well-being.

A diet that is a combination of minerals, nutrients, and protein for enhancing energy levels can supply your body with the nutrients it needs to fight postpartum fatigue.

In this blog, we will highlight the greatest lactation-friendly foods that will give you need all the nutrition you can get and increase your milk production.

Include oatmeal in your diet

Oatmeal is a high-fibre, low-glycemic food that is a superstar for new moms. It is an energy-boosting food that is known to keep fatigued at bay. It is loaded with magnesium, phosphorus, protein and vitamin B1.

It also contains quality carbohydrates in the form of glycogen that is beneficial in keeping the muscles and brain functioning effectively for the entire day.

Other energy-boosting nutrients present in oatmeal, like vitamin B1, phosphorous, magnesium, and protein, help you feel energized.

Sip green tea

A refreshing cup of green tea is very effective in helping you fight fatigue and stress associated with having a new baby.

The high concentration of polyphenols in green tea helps to reduce stress, improve your mental focus, and boost energy.

The essential components of green tea are also beneficial in pepping up your metabolism and thus keeping various ailments at bay.

Include bananas in your diet

Due to its high potassium content, which aids in the body’s conversion of sugar into energy, bananas are a quick source of energy.

Bananas contain large amounts of natural sugars like fructose, glucose, and sucrose that help the body produce energy.

In addition, bananas are rich in vital elements like protein, carbs, vitamin B, vitamin C, fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, and others that help to combat weariness and exhaustion during breastfeeding.

Add some yoghurt to your diet

Yoghurt is an excellent source of proteins, carbohydrates and probiotics, and all of these may prove to be effective in dealing with postpartum fatigue.

It provides sustainable energy and is also good for digestion and keeps the digestive system functioning effectively.


Barley is well-known for its hydrating properties. It is a known fact that dehydration can trigger fatigue and exhaustion.

If you have recently had a delivery, and you have lost tons of fluids through postpartum sweating, then barley water can help.

Foods to avoid to combat fatigue

It is important for lactating moms to avoid unhealthy foods and eat nutritious food in order to be less fatigued they are:

Foods that frequently cause problems: 

  • Caffeinated foods, such as tea, coffee and chocolate 
  • Herbs such as thyme, parsley, and peppermint
  • Fruits like citrus, kiwi, prunes, and pineapple 
  • Spices like cinnamon 
  • Oily and junk foods
  • Gas-producing vegetables, such as onions, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower

When to consult the doctor?

If you are finding it difficult to cure your breastfeeding fatigue, but you find yourself exhausted despite following a nutritious diet, we recommend that you should share your concerns with your doctor. With proper medical intervention, you will start feeling like yourself again.

Final thoughts

It’s normal to feel exhausted after giving birth. It takes a lot of energy to recover from childbirth, take care of the newborn baby, produce breast milk, and nurse every two to three hours.

This can be extremely challenging and make you feel overwhelmed.

Contact your doctor if you find that your stress levels are impacting your relationships with others, your ability to function, and even your relationship with your baby.

He can assist you in figuring out the source of your exhaustion and get you on the road to recovery.

Moreover, you should also frequently opt for health screening. It provides you with vital insights into your health, allowing you to take necessary measures to improve it.

Book The Full Body Health Checkup Today!


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