Vaping vs Smoking: Is Vaping A Safer Alternative?

Contributed by Harleen Kaur


An electronic cigarette which is commonly known as a vape is a gadget that mimics smoking tobacco. It is made of a vaporizer, a battery or other form of power source, and a cartridge you’re not the only one who has considered trying to stop smoking. Almost 6 out of 10 smokers say they wish to quit. And one of the biggest questions that arise is vaping harmful to you? There are numerous unanswered questions regarding vaping, including the chemicals that make up the vapour and their long-term effects on physical health. People need to understand that using e-cigarettes could be harmful to their overall well-being.

E-cigarettes are more widely used among youngsters than any other. It’s crucial to understand that every organ in your body, including your heart, is harmed by smoking, or secondhand smoke contributes to over one-third of heart disease deaths.

According to the study, people who use e-cigarettes infrequently have a 31% higher risk of developing respiratory ailments, whereas daily vapers are 73% more likely to do so.

The link between vaping and heart 

Research has also shown that vaping immediately stiffens and tightens your blood vessels, limiting the movement of oxygenated blood to and from the heart to other parts of the body. 

So vaping, which otherwise may be considered as a true life necessity by the people who are addicted, may significantly increase your chance of developing coronary artery disease, anxiety, and cardiac arrest.

Additionally, vaping makes your heart work harder than it has to because it increases heart rate, thickens artery plaque, and may even cause an irregular heartbeat.

The link between Vaping and lungs 

Among smokers, lung issues such as breathing issues are more frequently such as asthma. E-cigarettes were advertised as being superior to traditional tobacco cigarettes when they initially hit the market. 

Instead of smoking tobacco, people would inhale tobacco vapour or a mist. Often being considered the safer alternative to smoking due to its so-called natural ingredients.  it is considered that it might help people who want to quit smoking.

Vaping causes severe damage to your lungs. You wonder, how? E-cigarette use has been linked to studies that suggest it may worsen lung and airway inflammation, which can eventually result in COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Can different vape flavours be harmful to you?

Vape is available in a wide range of flavours, including candy, bubblegum, mint, mango, and many more. All vape variants carry the same risk of lung and cell damage, and mixing flavours may increase this risk. Some studies claim that flavours can be extremely addictive and harmful to our health.

What are the side effects of vaping?

  • Dry throat 
  • Fatigue 
  • Cough 
  • Dry skin
  • Itchiness
  • Burn  eyes
  • Epistaxis-nosebleeds

What Are Vaping’s Health Consequences?

  • Nicotine, a highly addictive chemical, is an ingredient in e-cigarettes. addiction might develop even if you don’t vape every day.
  • Depression and anxiety- Nicotine worsens both conditions. Which impacts memory, concentration, self-control, and attention.
  • Difficulties during sleep
  • Exposure to chemicals that cause cancer

Final thoughts 

Vaping may be more convenient for you, easier to use, and odourless than cigarettes, but it is more likely to be deadly.

Vaping is not a healthy option, despite the fact that you might believe it to be less harmful than smoking tobacco cigarettes. Several studies have shown that vaping may be bad for your lungs and heart. 

It is believed that smoking nicotine might cause significant heart problems, particularly in those who already have heart disease.

There is no evidence that any tobacco product may successfully help you in quitting smoking, and none are safe. They might have dangerous concentrations of nicotine, chemicals, neurotoxins, and metals, and they might be just as addictive.

After quitting vaping, you’ll experience a number of advantages, including the ability to exercise or engage in physical activity without experiencing as much breathlessness.

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