Zinc for women: The health benefits you need to know of this nutrient

Protein for hair and body composition, vitamin C for skin health and vitamin D for bone health, but what about zinc? There are ‘n’ number of vitamins and minerals important for women’s well-being, including zinc. But why is zinc important and why don’t we give it more attention? 

Though it is often an overlooked mineral, zinc is essential for good health. It falls under the category of trace minerals, which implies that although it is needed in small quantities, it is still vital for maintaining overall health. The main cause of zinc deficiency is inadequate dietary intake, which is common in many parts of the world, including India. 

Zinc is well known for aiding various physiological processes in the human body, and it has some particularly significant advantages for women. This nutrient can help aid everything from a strong immune system to a healthy reproductive system.

In this article, we delve into the power-packed realms of this essential mineral. From hormonal balance to skin health, get ready to explore why this immunity superstar is indispensable for the proper functioning of every woman’s health journey.

Health benefits of zinc for women

Healthy immunity:

Zinc plays an indispensable role in maintaining a strong immune system since it aids in the growth and operation of immune cells, boosts the body’s defence against infections and controls a healthy immune response. Zinc has the potential to shorten the duration of the common cold. If you find yourself getting sick more often or aren’t healing from injuries or infections as well, you may be in need of some zinc-rich foods.

Reproductive health and hormone balance

The proper functioning of the female reproductive system, particularly the control of the menstrual cycle and ovulation, depends on zinc. Therefore, the deficiency of zinc may potentially lead to severe changes in the functioning of the reproductive system. Additionally, zinc helps eggs mature, which is essential for effective fertilisation. An irregular menstrual cycle, impaired egg development, and even decreased conception rates might result from deficiencies. Meeting zinc needs may assist some women with endometriosis, primary dysmenorrhea (pain during menstruation), and menopausal dry vagina.

Skin health

The antioxidant activity of zinc helps support skin health through a variety of mechanisms. Zinc may also be used as a topical ingredient to treat certain dermatological conditions. Studies demonstrate that it may help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and help reduce oxidative stress. Additionally, zinc’s anti-inflammatory action may also protect against acne.

Hair health

There are studies linking zinc deficiency with damaged hair and even hair loss. Restoring serum zinc levels has been shown to suppress the catagen phase of the hair growth cycle, which is the stage between growth and rest. This may promote the creation of new hair.

Bone health

This necessary mineral promotes the general health and strength of bones by assisting in the mineralisation and production of new bone. Women are more susceptible to osteoporosis and bone fractures after menopause because their estrogen levels drop. In this case, addressing zinc requirements becomes even more crucial because research indicates that sufficient consumption can promote bone density and lower the risk of osteoporosis.

Ocular health

Zinc is among a group of vitamins and minerals that have the potential to decrease the advancement of age-related macular degeneration. Many studies indicate that zinc deficiency in women may cause various vision issues, especially those pertaining to the retina. Zinc plays a critical role in the synthesis of melanin, a pigment that helps protect the eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.

Blood sugar levels 

The storage and secretion of insulin are significantly influenced by zinc. Maintaining enough zinc levels can help you better control your blood sugar levels.

Regulation of mood

Your mood might be influenced by brain impulses that zinc helps to produce and regulate. You may experience depression or low mood if it is zinc deficient. Deficits in zinc can also impact GABA levels, a neurotransmitter that reduces feelings of fear, anxiety, and tension.

Closing thoughts

Zinc is a vital component in a number of processes that regulate female fertility, cell growth, as well as pregnancy and fetal development. Supplementing with zinc appears to alleviate the symptoms of PCOS, especially in women whose lipid balance and insulin resistance are dysregulated. For better health, most adult women should consume 8 mg of zinc daily; however, pregnant women or those with specific medical issues may require less zinc (and children require much less). It’s always advisable to consult your doctor about your ideal consumption. Speak with your doctor if you think you could be low in zinc; they can prescribe a blood test or suggest a supplement.

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