Symptoms of brain tumor you should know about

Life is unpredictable. You might be living life king-size, and be in the best of health but one health emergency can bring your world crashing down. That’s the thing about health emergencies, they can catch you off guard, throw you off balance and sabotage your plans for life, especially if you don’t recognise the symptoms your body shows you.

 One such health issue is a brain tumour. A brain tumor is one of the most dangerous diseases that can be fatal and destroy your quality of life. But it does show symptoms, and if you catch them in time, go for a diagnosis and get brain tumor treatment in the earlier stages, your chances of recovery also increase. But first things first, you need to keep your eye out for these brain tumor symptoms.

This blog will discuss some of the symptoms of brain tumor

Malignant brain tumor

A brain tumor is characterised by abnormal growth of cells in the brain. There are a million cells in the body which divide to replace old cells. Under healthy circumstances, these cells die. But when they don’t and continue to grow and spread to other regions, they become cancerous. When this happens in the brain, it is called brain cancer. This type of brain tumor is far more dangerous

Benign brain tumor

But a brain tumor may not always be cancerous. In other words, cells may grow and turn into lumps or tumours but they may not spread to other regions. These are called benign brain tumors, which are not cancerous and grow slowly. However, they can impact the other nerves nearby when they press on them, affecting basic cognitive functions.

Tumors differ in size, some are small and others are big. If a tumor is small, grows slowly and is non-cancerous, chances of recovery are higher if you seek brain tumor treatment in time, I,e, before they grow. It is usually the big tumors that are a problem.

Even small tumors show symptoms if they originate in the active part of the brain. If it is otherwise, and these tumors grow in less active regions of the brain, they may not show symptoms at the earlier stages.

Some symptoms of brain tumors

Headache is one of the most common symptoms of brain tumor. This occurs when the tumor presses on nearby cells or nerves. It can also be caused by a swelling that creates pressure. This type of headache is usually the most painful when you wake up in the morning. But it can happen any time of the day. The location of the headache also depends on the location of the tumor. If the tumor is at the back of the head, you may experience headaches with neck pain. If it is in the front of the brain, you may experience a headache accompanied by pain in the eye.

Other brain tumor symptoms based on location

Tumors in the front region

As the frontal region is responsible for movement and thinking, a tumor in the front may cause balance issues, problem in walking, forgetfulness, and lack of interest. In addition, they may also cause the person to do things that they won’t usually do.

Tumors in the middle

This region of the brain controls the senses, including, taste, smell, hearing and vision. Hence, if the tumor is in the middle, one may experience brain tumor symptoms like vision loss, hearing problems, and loss of taste and smell.

Tumors in the back

This part of the brain contains the occipital lobe, which controls vision. If the tumor is located here, one may experience vision loss.

Tumors in the lower region

This region contains the temporal lobes that process memories and senses. Hence, one may experience memory problems. One may also hallucinate – whether they see something, taste or smell something that doesn’t really exist.

Other general symptoms of brain tumor include:

  • Headache episodes
  • Seizures
  • Memory loss
  • Mood changes
  • Personality changes
  • Vision problems
  • Loss of balance
  • Nausea
  • Fatigue
  • Feeling confused
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Speech problems
  • Loss of coordination
  • Muscle weakness
  • Stiffness on one side of the body

Closing thoughts

While these symptoms indicate the presence of a brain tumor, they are not the basis for diagnosis. Do not panic or get frightened. These brain tumor symptoms may also be an indication of something else that may not be a cause for worry. It is best to see a neurologist who will prescribe certain lab tests for accurate diagnosis and brain tumor treatment.

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